Floreat Medical GP Swims to Rottnest

We are thrilled to share the achievement of one of our doctors, Kevin Yong, who completed the Rottnest Channel Swim last month. This marks his third successful team crossing, and he was joined by his wife Philippa to complete the challenging 19.6km crossing in a team of 4.  Just two weeks prior, Kevin and Philippa had both also completed a solo swim around the Busselton Jetty as a warmup for Rotto.

Events like the Rottnest Channel Swim (big or small) provide a great opportunity to set challenges for ourselves, stay motivated and connect with like minded people in the process.

At Floreat Medical, we encourage our patients to find activities and challenges that motivate them and help them to stay healthy and feeling great.

Congratulations to Kevin and his team on this fantastic achievement and for inspiring us all to get involved and stay active!

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