World Haemochromatosis Week – 1 to 7 June 2020

World Haemochromatosis Week

Haemochromatosis is the most common genetic condition in Australia and if you are 1 in 200 affected it can cause serious health problems.

Unfortunately Haemochromatosis is often underdiagnosed because people don’t know about it and symptoms are general. In the current climate, with the focus naturally being on the risks associated with CoronaVirus, there is also a risk that people with symptoms of Haemochromatosis will delay seeking advice and the necessary treatment.

Talk to your GP here at Floreat Medical, by telehealth consultation if you wish. Your doctor can order blood tests (known as iron studies) to check your iron levels. If there is a reason to suspect haemochromatosis you can be tested for the genes by another blood test.

For more information online go to

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